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Financiers recipe. Improved.

Financiers… soft and springy with a slightly domed top and a lovely golden brown crust.

Financiers were first made in the late 19th century by a pastry chef whose shop was close to the Paris Stock Exchange. The location of his shop must have been influenced him as originally Financiers were baked in rectangular molds that were said to resemble bars of gold.

[recipe from Christophe Felder, former pastry chef at Le Crillon].

70 g de poudre d’amandes
30 g de noisettes en poudre
20 g de pulpe d’abricot
170 g de sucre glace
50 g de farine
150 g de blancs frais (environ 5 blancs d’œufs)
150 g de beurre
1 gousse de vanille grattée

Mettre dans une casserole le beurre. Faire fondre et le laisser colorer légèrement de façon qu’il sente un peu la noisette. Retirer du feu et le tamiser dans une passette. Laisser tiédir, tamiser ensemble amandes, noisettes, sucre et farine. Dans un bol, mettre ce mélange et verser dessus les blancs frais, le beurre noisette tiède, la pulpe d’abricot et la vanille, tout en mélangeant à l’aide d’une spatule en bois.
Dans des petits moules en Lexopan, dresser à la poche. Enfourner à 250 °, puis faire cuire trois min à 220 ° et 3-4 min à 180 °.

Financiers were first made in the late 19th century by a pastry chef whose shop was close to the Paris Stock Exchange. The location of his shop must have been influenced him as originally Financiers were baked in rectangular molds that were said to resemble bars of gold

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