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Almost a blog... [me, myself, and some others too]

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Qui d'un "tu mets pas assez ton site à jour", qui d'un "tes pages sont pas assez spontanées"... Vous n'êtes pas à une connerie prêt, Nicolas (M. Manatane Copyright)

Dear you, this is my blog [almost] [Aug.-Sept. 2005]

[Aug. - Sept. 2005][Oct. - Nov. 2005][Dec. 2005 - Jan. 2006][Feb. - March 2006]

[April - May 2006][June - Aug. 2006][Sept. - Dec. 2006][Jan. - May. 2007][Jun. - Dec. 2007]

[Jan. - Sep. 2008][Oct. 2008 - Dec. 2009 ][Jan. 2010 - Dec.2010][Jan. 2011 - May.2011]

Thursday, September 27th

I've been to the festival "De rue de cirque" with Anne to see the show of Cirque 360 / 36 du mois, called "Expect". It was really good, with humour, acrobatics, juggling, trampoline... and a very original way of telling the story of four workers and two girls who meet by accident.

The show lasts 'till October 8th at the Village de Cirque - Pelouse de Reuilly. Take your tickets, you won't regret it!

Cirque 360Cirque 360
Mister Jack

Wednesday, September 27th

After a late footing, I've decided to re-watch The Nightmare Before Christmas (L'Etrange Noel de Mister Jack) from Tim Burton, because I really enjoy this animation film. I'm looking forward to watching his next film, Corpse Bride, which is already on the screens in the USA...

Tuesday, September 26th

Yesterday Charles did the cooking at my place. That's kind.

And he did his best recipe : the "croc-monsieur", as they say in French. With mozarella. Like during the old good days at the KES, when we were single and happy-go-lucky (=heedless=carefree, I've looked up the word in the dictionnary)...

So today, I had to run during forty minutes under the rain after work to eliminate all these calories. But the "croc-messieurs" were worth it. And the Haagen Dasz that followed too ;-)

Croc & Charles

Monday, September 25th

Souvenirs from Peronne...

1. The Pilatus

2. Our pilot!

3. Oxygen at 20 000 feet

4. Magali da freeflying nurse

Sunday, September 25th

Day Two at Skydive Peronne Valley! A little rainy, so only four jumps. Some head-down exercices and a sunset freefly jump with the flying nurse Magalie! Pretty cool day, even if I somebody stole my gloves :-(

There was also Alexx Pereira on the DZ, the well-know skydiver (you don't know him? That's bad!!! Freddey & Mel would have loved him, so cute...). Special thanks to Cyril, from the French Skydiving Artistik Team, for the trip back to Paris...

Pilatus Peronne

Saturday, September 24th

Won-der-ful ! Leaving Paris at 7.45am with Oliver's car, we arrived
at 9am at Skydive Peronne Valley. After discovering the installations,
the drop-zone, the landing rules and the center's staff (some of which I happened to
know from other DZs !), it's time to check the gear and go flying !!!

The big event of the day was my first jump at 20 000 feet (6000 meters !!!). Huge!
In the plane, you need oxygen from a scuba-diving bottle, everyone has its own mask
to breathe normally, and then, it's a long long long dive 'till 2500 feet for
the parachute opening! Wahou, I want more!

For Oliver's 100th jump, we decided to do a small relative-work jump, with Magali, Julien and Bertrand. A little chaotic" but we did it, for the sunset jump! Then the usual barbecue, and the night with Magalie's favourite spiders, and the too-short night for a sunday...

PS: this time, the fire truck was not there for me ;-)

Friday, September 23rd

This is my new skydiving suit !!! Beautiful, isn't it ?

Tonight, last settings for this weekend's jumps in Peronne: lengths of the wings, and adjustment of the system to adjust the tension in the wings.

I long to be in da sky !!!

Skydiving !
Skydiving ! Skydiving !
Soupe chinoise

Thursday, September 22nd

Tonight, chineese soup... In front of a film, it's perfect. After that, you're a little hungry though. So let's attack the yogurts !!!

And big news: I've got my bib number for Paris Marathon. I'm "preferential runner" number 882 !!! So great !!!

Wednesday, September 21st

At last, I've seen this film. It's sad, but not really sad, just kind of sad. You know what I mean?

I usually enjoy the atmsophere depicted by Jeunet in all his films. He enjoys depicting small particularities of his characters, and in this one, I really like how Mathilde always says to herself : "if someone appears at the corner of the street in less than 10seconds, it means that he's alive, otherwise he's dead". It is the kind of things we (I ?) did when we were young. And, of course, I really like Audrey Tautou ;-)

sAffiche Log Dimanche de Fiancailles...

Tuesday, September 20th

Yesterday I went to the Comédie Bastille to watch the Cie On/Off's new show. Great !

And Benny was there, so we enjoyed a drink near the Chemin Vert with Charles and Arthur. Not a lot of bars there, by the way...

Monday, September 19th

G I V E - Y O U R - B L O O D ! ! !

Because it's really needed in hospitals !!! And it almost doesn't hurt (and I really hate everything that is painful, and some girls can assure you that I'm really really sensitive...).

Don du sang

Sunday, September 18th

21 kilometers in 1h33 minutes for my sunday run, just for the pleasure.

And along Rolland Garros, I could hear the desperate hurls of supporters. But we lost against Rusia :-(

And f or the best fans of my website, they should remark that this race follows the second half of Paris Marathon 2005. And Paris Marathon 2006 !!!

Saturday, September 17th

Waking-up at 3pm, breakfast at 4pm, hair cut at 5pm, shopping in the Chineese area at 6pm. The Montgallet Street, its computer resalers, and the maxi-spindle of 150 CDs at only 34 euros !!! Waaaahou !!!!!!!!

# # # # # Picture : soon... [waiting for Vincent]# # # # #

Friday, September 16th

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge party @ Vincent ! With Mel, Freddey, Nao, Julien and plenty of crazy clubbers 'till the end of the night... Enorme !

Thursday, September 15th

Jogging along the Seine. For the love of sport.

Home -> Eiffel Tower -> Home in thirty one minutes today. Not that good. Fortunately, I still have 7 months to get prepared for my next marathon. Paris 2005, the 30th anniversary. Why don't you join ? Only 30 000 places left on the starting line out of 35 000, hurry !


Wednesday, September 14th

Vegetables are healthy.

And they don't make you fat.

That's why I eat plenty of them.

"Tout simplement", as they say in French.

Unfortunately for Christèle, it's the day she has chosen to have dinner here. And I'm lucky, she's going to bring a crumble. Thanks ! But I must hurry up, she'll be there in five minutes, and I still don't know which shirt I'm gonna wear !


Tuesday September 14th

Dinner with Anne and Nyco at the Kamelo [Edgar Quinet ] !!! Incredible, we were in the same class in high school. So plenty of things to tell, you know the song!

Deloitte Capital Markets

Monday, September 12th

First day at my new job ! And it's real cool.

My new subject is : valorisation errors of traders and their impact on the P&L (profit and loss).

1. Impact on the P&L when the trader doesn't take into account transaction costs.

2. Errors on the model used or errors on the parameters like the volatility on the valorisation of vanilla products (for the beginning: Merton's model versus Black-Scholes model).

Saturday, September 11th

Yesterday evening, after drinking a Martini with my litte sister who was in Paris for the week-end, I watched "Million Dollar Baby". And then I spent the whole night being sad. Not cool. But great film, even if like me you hate watching boxing matches.

Million Dollar Baby
Windows on the world.

Saturday, September 10th

I've bought a new book... but I keep it for my next trip in the U.S., because 8 hours in the plane when you're accustomed to jump from it after 15 minutes, it's quite a long time !!!

Can you guess which book it is ?

Friday, September 9th

It's too hot in Paris !

So I drink a PepsiMax, which I long to share with a girl who also enjoys drinking it... Unfortunately, she's not there :-(

Iron power!

Thusday, September 8th

Sometimes, it is 1am and I realize that I don't have any shirt for the following day :-(

So I have to do some last-minute ironing !!! Because during the week-end, I usually do all the washing. But I tend to let the ironing for later, if you see what I mean...

Wednesday, September 7th

One last thing about riding an unicycle in Paris: don't forget to bring your lock!

KES dinner


Tuesday, September 6th

Oups, I've forgotten to mention that last week I had four kessiers for dinner!

And to remind us of our "young years" as members of the KES of the Ecole Polytechnique, we've had "Croc-Monsieurs" !!!

Thank you Charles for teaching me the art of the "Croc-Monsieur"...


Monday, September 5th

Yesterday, pic-nic on the "Pont des Arts" with Charles, Val, Chantal, Sophie and Ben (another one !).


Sunday, September 4th

Happiness: a long ride with my unicycle through Paris.

I only hope my somebody will ride at my side with her unicycle soon...

Saturday, September 3rd

My new couch is there !!! A red one, that you can convert into a bed. That's great !!!

The thing is, now I have no excuse to sleep in the same bed as the girls I accomodate for a night.

Nicolas Delphine

Friday, September 2nd

An evening at Delphine & Raphael's, the newlyweds, to play tarot with Nicolas. And a huge pizza to get started before the game. I must confess that Nicolas is a really good tarot player. I lost, and I hate losing ;-((((((((((((((((((((((((

Wednesday, August 30th

Go go go running !!!! Today a new race, from Saint Germain to Notre Dame through "les quais de Seine" and the Hotel de Ville.

What I really lack is an ipod mini on my arm to jog and look cool & hype. Soon...

Run baby run !!!
at work...

Tuesday, August 29th

Just to tell you that I'm working between Le Louvre and the Opera Garnier and that I have a huge office !!!

Saturday and Sunday, August 27th and 28th

It was Delphine's wedding in Strasbourg !!!

Look at her, she was really beautiful ! When I first met hersiw years ago, in rather strange conditions (!), I would never have imagined that she would be married before me ;-)

Congratulations !!!

The Louvre at sunset

Thursday, August 25th

Footing at the sunset, Paris, and today is a big day, I've obtained a six-month internship at Natexis in quantitative trading, it's wonderful !!!

Wednesday, August 24th

That's it, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" is finished. But what will I read now ???

This book was wonderful, I hope everyone has read it ! And like everybody else, I'm waiting for the last episode of the adventures of Harry. I have a feeling that it will be a HUGE book !

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Tuesday, August 23th

Don't forget, tuesday means running !

Monday, August 22nd

One day at work, nothing exciting... I miss NYC's roof parties !!!

Yesterday evening we celebrated Albin's departure for Berkeley ; good luck guy, see you in two months !


Sunday, August 21st

I did it ! I've installed a metal bar to hang my stuff in my cupboard !!! I've used my brand-new drill and my saw, and it's perfect.

I hope you all are proud of me !


Saturday, August 20th

One last picture about NYC: the view we have from the roof of Cecile's & Vincent's new flat in Manhattan. Really cool!


Friday, August 19th

No comments today, just the power of the images...


Thursday, August 17th

Central Park! Did you know that in January I gonna run there everyday, when there is snow all over the place?

Wednesday, August 17th

I shall put some photos of my incredible stay in NYC during the next few days!!!

First, Brooklyn Bridge, the entrance to Manhattan through the financial district, and its well-known view...

Time square

Tuesday, August 16th

My week-end in New- York City was wonderful !!! I can't wait to go back there !!! More news soon...

[picture of Time Square]

Friday, August 12th

I leave tomorrow for the U.S. !!! It's so great !

I gonna spend a wonderful week-end with Cécile in New-York, I gonna eat Haagen Dasz and burgers, have brunch like Carrie Bradshaw, shop on Fifth Avenue. I want to take off NOW !


Harry Potter

Thursday, August 11th

I forgot to tell you !!! I finished Harry Potter volume 4 on monday, I'm now in the mittle of the fifth adventure of the young wizard, and I hope to get the last book of the series this week-end in Manhattan. Wait and see !

Wednesday, August 10th

Another day in La Défense. I must confesse that I really hate this place... And also I'm starting to get bored stiff with the same sandwich from "La Brioche Dorée" everyday...

I'm looking forward to eating a burger in Manhattant !!! Departure on saturday, 12pm !!!

La défense


Tuesday, August 9th

Footing again, 'cause it's four times a week, my dear !

It's quite hard to motivate oneself when you come back home at 8pm, but the sooner you think about how slim-fit your silhouette will be, the sooner you but your shoes on !

And of course, each training session is a first step towards a better performance at your next marathon... Do you think I will be able to beat the French Prime Minister's personnal record of 2 hours 56 minutes during the next Marathon of Paris ?


Crumble, part 1


Monday, August 8th


After a hard day at work in "La Défense" for a new client, I've decided to allow myself an extra pleasure : I'm gonna cook an apple-pear crumble !


First cut the apples and the pears in small cubes, then in medium bowl combine granola, flour, brown sugar and butter, stir until crumbly and then, straight into the oven ! "Bon appétit", as they say in French !




Crumble, part2

Sunday, August 7th

1pm. Somewhere in the eleventh arrondissement.

_Thomas di Matteo


At the club "Le Nouveau Casino", Thomas di Matteo, P-O. & Mister J. welcome you for an incredible elctro-house set.

This evening, tje main DJ is H-Tenza, resident DJ at the "hi hôtel" in Nice (pronounce Nyce), on the Côte d'Azur.

Saturday, August 6th


Shopping ! Not classy and poshy shopping at "Le Bon Marché", but shopping at the BHV ("Bazar de l'Hôtel de Ville") where you can find eveything, ranging from screwdrivers to pyjamas. And today, I've decided to buy tools !


So here we are : I've bought a standard saw for metal and a really powerfull drill : I really enjoy this drill 'cause its power amounts to 800 watts, it was the bargain of the week at the BHV, only 8 euros more expensive than the 600 watts, and the guy in the shop explained me that "800W is far more than 600W, you know". Cool, isn't it ?


Another cool feature is the free box with plenty of accessories for a better drilling session. Wanna join ?




The drill box Drill


Friday, August 5th

Last working day of the week, before a well-earned week-end. It's 8.40 in the morning, I may be a little late, but I don't care, 'cause I really wanna read Harry Potter in the subway !

Thursday, August 4th

Thursday means footing for me...

I usually start at Sèvres-Babylone in the sixth arrondissement, I go straight to "le Louvre", then "la Tour Eiffel", and back home along the Seine...

Average running time is thiry-six minutes... but it really depends on traffic, tourists, traffic light, and, of course, the wind !

Tour Eiffel


Dernière mise-à-jour : June 19th, 2011

New pages :

Vacation in St Barth, Irondaddy 101, Ironman Brasil 2011

Last races :

NYC Half-Marathon 2011, Ironman Canada 2010, Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon 2010, Boston Marathon 2010, Ironman Florida 2009, Ironman USA 2009, Half-Marathon Bronx 2009, NYC Marathon 2008 , Ironman Brasil 2011.

Next races :

Diagonale des Fous 2011

NYC Marathon 2011

News :

Last movies : Black Swan (+++), Inside Job (+++), Food Inc. (++), Inception (+++), Up in the Air (++)

Last restaurants in Paris : Monjul (++), Meurice (Dali, +++), Pershing Hall (brunch, +), Liza rue de la Banque (-), Ledoyen avenue Dutuit (+++), Les Ambassadeurs (+++), Carré des Feuillants (+++), Tante Marguerite rue de Bourgogne (+++), Séraphin rue Mabillon (++), Le Petit Verdot rue du ChercheMidi (+++), Il Cortile rue Cambon (-, trop cher), Café Fusion rue de la Butte aux Cailles (++), J'go rue Drouot (+), Brasserie Haussmann (-/+), Mori Venice Bar (+++), 16 bld Haussmann, (++), MusicHall (+++), Fuxia place du marché Saint-Honoré (+++), l'Enoteca rue Montorgueil (++),

Last restaurants in NYC : Fat Radish (+++), Morandi (++), A Voce Colombus (++), Wallsee (brunch +++), Seasonal (brunch +++), Bouley (lunch menu +++), Cortone (+++), Aureole (lunch menu ++), SHO (lunch menu ++), Cafe Boulud (+),Marea (lunch emnu ++), Picholine (lunch menu ++), Friend of a Farmer (-), Eleven Madison (+++), Bar Boulud (brunch ++), Colichio & Sons (brunch ++), Recipe (+++), Hundred Acres (+++), Jane (brunch ++), Little Giant (brunch ++), 10 Downing (++), Aquavit (+++), Maze (++), Smith & Wollensky (+), Park Avenue Summer (+++), Abe & Arthur (++), Tribeca Grill (+), Megu (+++), Park Avenue Winter (+++), David Burke Townhouse (+), Robuchon (+++), DBGB(+++), Gramercy Tavern (++), One if by Sea Two if by Land (++), Cafe Mogador (++), JoJo (++), Nobu (+++), Nougatine @ Jean-Georgres (+++), Le Cirque (-), Mercer Kitchen (++), Eatery (++), Macao Trading Company (++), Perry Street (+++), L'Eskina (+++), La Lunchonette Chelsea (++), Spotted Pig (++),Commerce (++), The Orchard (-), Essex (+++), Boucarou (+), CongeeVillage ;-), Allen & Delancey (+++), Cafe Ino (++); Merkato 55 (-), Public (+++), Stanton Social (++), Spice Market (+++), Delicatessen ny (++), Shiller Liquor's Bar (++), Bagatelle (+++), JG Mellon (++), Butter (+++), Paradou (+), Home (++), Red Cat (++), Thor (+), Employees Only, Rosa Mexicano (18th and 5th), Aquagrill (Spring and 6th), Jamon (btw Gramercy and Union Square), WD-50, Modern, Momoya, Tartine, Persepolis, Spice, The Viceroy (brunch ++, 8th and 18th), Fig and Oliv (+, Lex and 63th), Azul (+, Sufolk and Stanton), Parlor Steackhouse (3rd and 90th), Freemans at then end of Freemans Alley (++), Island Burgers & Shakes (+, sympa), Burger Joint at Le Parker Meridien (+)

Last bars/clubs in NYC : Le Bain, SL, The Box, Juliet, Bungalow 8, Beauty Bar, RDV, Mr West, Cain, Greenhouse, Pink Elephant, Tenjune,Kiss and Fly, Marquee, Cielo, Backroom, 230.

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