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Almost a blog... [me, myself, and some others too]

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Qui d'un "tu mets pas assez ton site à jour", qui d'un "tes pages sont pas assez spontanées"... Vous n'êtes pas à une connerie prêt, Nicolas (M. Manatane Copyright)

Dear you, this is my blog [almost] [Oct.-Nov. 2005]

[Aug. - Sept. 2005][Oct. - Nov. 2005][Dec. 2005 - Jan. 2006][Feb. - March 2006]

[April - May 2006][June - Aug. 2006][Sept. - Dec. 2006][Jan. - May. 2007][Jun. - Dec. 2007]

[Jan. - Sep. 2008][Oct. 2008 - Dec. 2009 ][Jan. 2010 - Dec.2010][Jan. 2011 - May.2011]



Wednesday, November 30th

Restaurant Alcazar, Saint Germain des Prés. A lounge bar, a techno club, good wine.

A shame that it is a little expensive.



Tuesday, November 29th

Shit happens.

V...L, your guardian angel...

Sunday, November 27th

Snow. Mud. Slopes. 60 participants.

You need racing spikes.

But they gonna get really dirty.

Happily, we won. Yeah.

Chaussures Cross

Running in the rain

Saturday, November 26th

It's raining and snowing in Paris.

So when you run, you're wet.

Bad weather.

Thursday, November 24th

The DVD of th PF Spirit has arrived!!!!

This DVD is HUGE! Plenty of beautiful videos of skydiving, plenty of planes, swoops, headdowns and impressive pictures, jumps with tubes, skysurf and so on.

And you know what: I was there! Believe it or not, you can see me on one jump, I swear (difficult to recognize me, I admit, but it's there).

More pictures soon...

Parachutes de France
The Firm

Wednesday, November 23rd

Sometimes I arrive early at work.

Sometimes not.

Tuesday, November 22nd

It's so cold this week in Paris!!!!

Usually, my moto is "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger". However, I must confess I have been compelled to start the electric heating in my flat.

But following the advice of environment-friendly organizations, I've decided to save energy by heating at the lowest level possible.

So to sleep tight, I've had to put my horrible green socks on, the ones I've been given during a trip to Miami with AirFrance in business class last october.

Hopefully I have no girl in my bed currently.

Air France socks
Jardins du Luxembourg

Sunday, November 20th

My new running track!

It's very difficult to practise athletics in Paris regularly. There is no stadium in the city center, so you have to take the metro, be lucky that no school is using the running track, bring all your stuff there, take a shower, and back by the metro... not to mention the fact that you have to go there during the opening hours!

Using Google Earth, I tried and found a round area with sand that is 400meters long. This is it!

So sunday, after a brunch at Fleur and Blandine's, was a "10 times 400m" afternoon.

Friday, November 18th

Friday night, roller night!

With Yoyo and Magdo...

25 kilometers in Paris. And an apple at midnight.


Thursday, November 17th

What a night!

Completely jet-laged, Ian and I went to bed at 8.30pm. Yoyo went back from work at 10pm (he left in the morning at 6.50am) and joined us.

Logically, at 4am, everybody was hungry. So Ian did his best meal: cheese on baguette in the microwave.

Then back to sleep. But at 5am. Ian could no longer sleep, so he moved to the bathroom and spent one hour on his computer.

At 6.30am, Yoyo could no longer sleep so he went to work. At 6.45am I decided to move in the kitchen for a piece of swiss cheese since everybody was checking their mail. I hesitated and asked myself: "should I go running at 7am ?".

But it was really cold outside so ultimately, I decided that running before going to work two days in a row was a bad habit, and that I'd better keep my energy for the day ahead: the jogging could wait until after work...

Wednesday, November 16th

Becaude of the jet lag, Ian and I couldn't sleep after 6.30am. So we decided to do an early run around the Jardin du Luxembourg, at dawn.

It was really cold, but the fresh air finished to awaken us, and on the journey back, we bought "baguettes" and "croissants" and "pains au chocolat" to have an enormous breakfast! Great!

Breakfast after running

Sea Lions


Tuesday, November 15th

Souvenirs from California : the sealions on the coast...

Saturday and Sunday, November 12 & 13th

Back to Paris. San Francisco from the sky.

San Francisco from the sky
San Francisco

Friday, November 11th

San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, the cable cars, Lombard street...

Thursday, November 10th

One day in Vegas @ Paul and Jessica.

20 US$ lost at the roulette. Bouh.


Las Vegas

Wednesday, November 9th

Las Vegas !

Tuesday, November 8th


Santa Barbara, Malibu Beach, Venice Beach, and Los Ageles @ Caro FTB...
Venice Beach
Californian Coast

Monday, November 7th

The coast between Monterey and Big Sur.

Along the Highway One...

Sunday, November 6th

Yosemite Valley...

A wonderful natural park with El Captain, waterfalls and giant Sequoias.

Yosemite Valley
San Francisco

Saturday,November 5th

First day in California!

It's the beginning of a 7-day roadtrip across this beautiful state, going from San Francisco to Las Vegas via Los Angeles, and back.

Thursday, November 3rd


Wahou !!! This is my new piece of fourniture!

This wonderful table can be unfolded to host 6 persons, and you can put four chairs inside when you don't use them!

Special thanks to Charles for the journey from Nation to my flat by metro with the table on our back.

Da Table!
Domaine de Lintillac

Wednesday, November 2nd


Tonight is a Deloitte's business diner.

It means a free meal in a good restaurant :-)

And this evening, it is the Domaine de Lintillac in the 2nd district, a nice small restaurant which doesn't apply the Evin's law..

Tuesday, November 1st


Charles shares my bed.

And we've got the same pyjamas.

It is a "the three choppers revival" !!!

Cie On Off

Monday, October 30th


Theatrical Improvisation, presented by the Cie On/Off, at the Theo Theatre in the 15th district. Charles was playing there tonight!


The concept is that the public proposes a theme, and two teams of actors play this theme alternatively. So you participate in the show!


For more information, their website: Cie On/Off.

Saturday, October 29th

Tonight I've decided to bring my parents at the Theatre d'Edgar, one of the small theaters near Montparnasse.

We've seen Electrocardiodrame, the story of a couple not going well, a long-forgotten sister, a half-brother and a futur daddy not really happy to be a father, in the waiting room of the maternity.

Full of humour, sarcastic and sometimes sad, this comedy and its actors are really enjoyable, so don't hesitate to buy tickets!


Friday, October 28th

With my family we went to see "Plic Ploc", the new show of the Cirque Plume, a well-know French circus coming from Besancon.

This is their fourth show i twelve years and one of their best, always full of poetry, with acrobatics, humour and a lot of water.

You can go and see them at the "Espace Chapiteau" of "La Villette" 'til the end of November, so don't miss it!

Wednesday, October 26th

First bird flu infection detected in Paris!




PS: usually I hate to post jokes, but I've found this one sreally good. Thanks to Romain!

Les étages...

Tuesday, October 25th


A drink at "Les Etages" in Saint-Germain-des-Prés to see da flying nurse Magali, who has just started at her new school and has over 86% of girls in her class. DO you believe this?

I'm so jealous!

Monday, October 24th


Souvenirs from Le Havre and Deauville


1. Port of Le Havre, an acrobatic picture.

Original idea from Charles.




2. A beach in Normandy, a picture dedicated to Caro, Elody, Sev, Pix, Ian, GG, Val and JKK.

By Charles and Magdo, featuring Yoyo & Benne.



Le HavreDeauville

The KES @ Deauville

Sunday, October 22th

After Julien's wedding, a calm afternoon near Deauville...

Long live the KES...

Saturday, October 21th

Nathalie and Julien are married !

"Vive les mariés !" as they say in French

It was rainy in Le Havre, but the party was H U G E! Thanks to everyone!

Da red pouf

Thursday, October 20th

And now I shall present... my new "pouf"!

Red, like is big brother the couch!!!

Isn't it beautiful?

Wednesday, October 19th

Warning! Rubik's cube accident!

I was cubing (which means resolving my Rubik's Cube) in the metro when suddenly, it exploded :-(

This Rubik's Cube was a gift, it had a little brother in New-York City, and now it's dead. So sad...

Rubik's Cube

Tuesday, October 18th

I've bought some vegetables on saturday that I've eaten tonight, and I don't know the name, not even the French one!

I only know that it is a cauliflower, so please email me if you know it, be it in English or in French!

Monday, October 17th

Despite my shame over my laughable performance at yesterday's course, I've decided to offer you the opportunity to see me in real action, with these beautiful pictures...

You can see my confidence before the race under the Eiffel Tower, and my beautiful stride as I head toward the finishing line after 20 kilometers of continuous efforts.

20km de Paris

Sunday, October 16th

The famous race "20kms of Paris". Starting and ending at the Eiffel Tower, this race went through the 16th arrondissement 'til the bois de Boulogne, then back in the 8th and the 1st arondissements 'til Le Louvre, and finally the 7th arrondissement and the Eiffel Tower.

Lots lots of people (20500 runners), and a real deception for me with 3 minutes more than my former record of 1h17. You do the math !

Saturday, October 15th

Yesterday, with Yoyo and Magdo, we joined the Rando Roller. Thirty kilometers in Paris by night, that was really cool.

The thing is, we (I ?) have trouble with the braking technique, and I thank the other people for helping me to slow down by gripping their shoulders. Thanks guys!

Ipod Video

Friday, October 14th

My next wasting of money?


Of course!

Thursday, October 13th

America is beautiful... [2nd degree, be careful]

1. Danger: Alligators crossing the road

2.Danger: state prisonners working on the side of the US-1

3. Rainbow flag versus U.S. flag, what is George "DoubleHou" doing?

4. At Wallmart, 1$ for a cookies box versus 12$ for a salad... Am I missing something?

Miami alligator

Wednesday, October 12th

Souvenir from Miami ...

Tuesday, October 11th

Back to Miami Beach! A last swim in the pool, a last swim in the sea, a last ray of sun, and back to Paris...

Miami Beach
The Alligators...

Monday, October 10th

The Everglades, their alligators...

Sunday, October 9th

Snorkeling in the Florida Keys' Islands...

Key Largo
Miami Beach

Saturday, October 8th

Day One in Florida. It was rainy in Paris, here it is too hot!

The Art Deco District is a really nice place to stay, although it is hard to choose between the pool and the sea.

PS: it is better to bring your own Ferrari when on vacation here... Actually, it seems to be what cool people do.

Friday, October 7th

I'm flying to M I A M I tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miami Beach
Tour Eiffel

Thursday, October 6th

For my footings during the week, I now have to run when the night is already there... and my efforts are rewarded by the view of the Eiffel Tower and its light, in the dark sky of Paris, after 15 minutes along the Seine...

Wednesday, October 5th

My new pyjama ! Perfect to go into the bed and say : "you know what baby? I'm a skydiver too..."


Tshirt PF SPirit

Tuesday, October 4th

Alias season five has begun!!! With Yoyo we've watched the first episode, which was H U G E!

And Jennifer Garner is so pretty, a shame that she isn't a real cryptographer...

Monday, October 3rd

Souvenir from the sunset jump during the PF Spirit in Pujaut...

A beautiful sky...

Sunset Pujaut
Le Skyvan

Sunday, October 2nd

Day Two at the PF Spirit. The waking-up was difficult, but our tent was in front of the speaker which announces the planes ready to take off, so we were up at 8.10am! Soon the wind was too powerful, so we didn't do a lot of jumps. But we don't car, the week-end was incredible, and the DVD will be huge, believe me!

Saturday, October 1st

Skydiving week-end at Pujaut (near Avignon), for the first "PF Spirit", a week-end from the sponsor "Parachutes de France", with the new parachutes that you can test, a lot of planes, and coaching from top skydivers who then jump with you for free!

I was there with Mel and Jé, and we did plenty of FreeFly jumps with eight other skydivers and David or Blandine. I managed to test the Electra 150, a very easy canopy which allows incredible landings! For Mel it was the Springo 160 NG, yeah!

The evening was a huge party, with DJ Richie, and it was... the myth!

Mel, Ben, Jé


Dernière mise-à-jour : June 19th, 2011

New pages :

Vacation in St Barth, Irondaddy 101, Ironman Brasil 2011

Last races :

NYC Half-Marathon 2011, Ironman Canada 2010, Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon 2010, Boston Marathon 2010, Ironman Florida 2009, Ironman USA 2009, Half-Marathon Bronx 2009, NYC Marathon 2008 , Ironman Brasil 2011.

Next races :

Diagonale des Fous 2011

NYC Marathon 2011

News :

Last movies : Black Swan (+++), Inside Job (+++), Food Inc. (++), Inception (+++), Up in the Air (++)

Last restaurants in Paris : Monjul (++), Meurice (Dali, +++), Pershing Hall (brunch, +), Liza rue de la Banque (-), Ledoyen avenue Dutuit (+++), Les Ambassadeurs (+++), Carré des Feuillants (+++), Tante Marguerite rue de Bourgogne (+++), Séraphin rue Mabillon (++), Le Petit Verdot rue du ChercheMidi (+++), Il Cortile rue Cambon (-, trop cher), Café Fusion rue de la Butte aux Cailles (++), J'go rue Drouot (+), Brasserie Haussmann (-/+), Mori Venice Bar (+++), 16 bld Haussmann, (++), MusicHall (+++), Fuxia place du marché Saint-Honoré (+++), l'Enoteca rue Montorgueil (++),

Last restaurants in NYC : Fat Radish (+++), Morandi (++), A Voce Colombus (++), Wallsee (brunch +++), Seasonal (brunch +++), Bouley (lunch menu +++), Cortone (+++), Aureole (lunch menu ++), SHO (lunch menu ++), Cafe Boulud (+),Marea (lunch emnu ++), Picholine (lunch menu ++), Friend of a Farmer (-), Eleven Madison (+++), Bar Boulud (brunch ++), Colichio & Sons (brunch ++), Recipe (+++), Hundred Acres (+++), Jane (brunch ++), Little Giant (brunch ++), 10 Downing (++), Aquavit (+++), Maze (++), Smith & Wollensky (+), Park Avenue Summer (+++), Abe & Arthur (++), Tribeca Grill (+), Megu (+++), Park Avenue Winter (+++), David Burke Townhouse (+), Robuchon (+++), DBGB(+++), Gramercy Tavern (++), One if by Sea Two if by Land (++), Cafe Mogador (++), JoJo (++), Nobu (+++), Nougatine @ Jean-Georgres (+++), Le Cirque (-), Mercer Kitchen (++), Eatery (++), Macao Trading Company (++), Perry Street (+++), L'Eskina (+++), La Lunchonette Chelsea (++), Spotted Pig (++),Commerce (++), The Orchard (-), Essex (+++), Boucarou (+), CongeeVillage ;-), Allen & Delancey (+++), Cafe Ino (++); Merkato 55 (-), Public (+++), Stanton Social (++), Spice Market (+++), Delicatessen ny (++), Shiller Liquor's Bar (++), Bagatelle (+++), JG Mellon (++), Butter (+++), Paradou (+), Home (++), Red Cat (++), Thor (+), Employees Only, Rosa Mexicano (18th and 5th), Aquagrill (Spring and 6th), Jamon (btw Gramercy and Union Square), WD-50, Modern, Momoya, Tartine, Persepolis, Spice, The Viceroy (brunch ++, 8th and 18th), Fig and Oliv (+, Lex and 63th), Azul (+, Sufolk and Stanton), Parlor Steackhouse (3rd and 90th), Freemans at then end of Freemans Alley (++), Island Burgers & Shakes (+, sympa), Burger Joint at Le Parker Meridien (+)

Last bars/clubs in NYC : Le Bain, SL, The Box, Juliet, Bungalow 8, Beauty Bar, RDV, Mr West, Cain, Greenhouse, Pink Elephant, Tenjune,Kiss and Fly, Marquee, Cielo, Backroom, 230.

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